Planet Neo and Community

Community NFT lending

Future: For NFT holders that own Planet Neo NFTs, you can lend your NFT to our Vault so that others may be able to borrow and play.

By renting an NFT to another gamer, you’re affording them the opportunity to participate, and share benefits of doing so: the gamer can access Planet Neo and you both get to share the rewards and prizes.

Future: The Community Library is where we will reserve between 5% to 10% of all NFTs (depending on the project and the volume sold) to give access to anyone to participate. This is a model that we will expand on, as we develop our games strategies.

Community Participation

Content creation Participation in, creation and curation of content will be rewarded by recognition, bonus NFTs and, potentially in the future, tokens.

From time to time, we’ll put out a content creation request to the community. We’re particularly excited about how DOAs can facilitate the gig economy and reward contribution; one such model we’re paying attention to is Coordinape.

There are many types of requests we could as the community to participate in, for example:

  • Development

  • Content creation (graphics, video, stories, music)

  • Translation

  • Game design

  • Community support and moderation

Community Exclusives

Community only NFT drops and gifts

From time to time, we’re going to drop exclusive NFTs and easter eggs within Planet Neo for our Neons to access. As our Tribes are introduced and grow, so too do the treats.

Community previews and discounts

As we introduce new Tribes and in the future, some collaborations, Neons will get early access and in many cases, discounts for NFTs and other items.

Last updated