Dino X Dino FAQs

Please explain the Dino X Dino brand

  • there are currently 4 different categories of Dinosaur: Gods, Angels, Royals & Guardians

  • The Great Hatching will completed in mid 2022

  • We've started on the build of a full game, we’re anticipating a 12 month development period

  • there will be accessories that are also tradable NFTs

  • there are gems that will allow for upgrades and special magic

  • Some rare categories are hidden in less rare eggs: eg, Gods in the Guardians. The more you play and participate, the more your real dino will reveal itself

Benefits of owning a Dino NFT

  • They will hatch into beautiful and unique art

  • In the future, Nested NFTs, meaning your NFT can and, in some cases will, be able to own other NFTs

  • You will have access to gaming

  • You can earn further NFTs through playing

  • In the future, you can put your Dino in the community vault and share yield in our play-to-earn game

  • There will be exclusive accessories and NFTs for Dino X Dino holders

  • You will have access to Club Neo

Last updated